Majorero cheese
Majorero cheese, with designation of origin since 1996, is a pressed paste cheese with enzymatic coagulation made from goat's milk of the pure Majorero breed. Depending on the maturing period, there are different types: soft, semi-cured and cured. For better preservation, it can be spread with oil, paprika and/or gofio, and it is recognisable on the outside because its sides have a pattern of the pleita de palma.
Majorero cheese has been awarded prizes in various national and international competitions, such as the "Best Spanish Cheeses" in Madrid, the "Word Cheese Awards" and the "Tabefe Awards" National Goat Cheese Competition.
Fuerteventura olive oil
In Fuerteventura, the production of olive oil from the island's olive harvesters, obtained directly from the olives and only by mechanical means, is beginning to take place, mainly from the Picual and Arbequina olive varieties.
The quantity of oil produced in Fuerteventura increases over the years, all of it of the highest quality, an "extra virgin olive oil" with excellent organoleptic conditions.
At present, production is destined for self-consumption, but it is hoped that production will continue to increase, so that in the near future we will be able to market this highly prized Majorero product.
Fuerteventura tomatoes
The main characteristic of the Fuerteventura tomato lies in the inestimable quality of the fruit, a condition that demonstrates its recognised prestige in European markets. This proven difference in the quality of Majorero tomatoes is due to two reasons: firstly, the great experience of our farmers, who have been cultivating this crop for more than 50 years, and secondly, the mildness of our climate, which provides temperature and, above all, light to obtain magnificent crops even in the winter season.
For reasons of climate and custom, in Fuerteventura, as in the rest of the Canary Islands, meals are sober, with the basic elements of its cuisine being abundant fish and local produce, seasoned with mojos and special dressings.
The abundance and variety of fish extracted from the seabed of Fuerteventura make it one of the main elements of the island's gastronomy. Thus, fish broth, "sancocho", "tollos"... are examples of a diet linked since ancient times to the flavours of the sea. Fresh, fried, grilled or grilled fish is one of its most prized dishes, the best species for which are fish such as vieja, sama, wreckfish, cabrilla, bocinegro, gallo...
Salt from the salt pans
Salt is a product that has been historically linked to the evolution of mankind, and has played a crucial role in the diet of different cultures, as well as in commercial development and the triggering of countless conflicts since the earliest stages of civilisation.
In Fuerteventura, the recent history of salt has been linked to Las Salinas del Carmen, which still conserves the purity of the traditional production systems even after its recent conversion into an interpretative museum. Recent studies have shown that the composition of Salinas de las Salinas Foam Salt is superior to all other salts on the market, and its special characteristics make it a first class foodstuff, especially suitable for culinary use at the level of the most exquisite gourmets.
The free grazing of the Majorero goats near the sea gives their meat and milk a special flavour.
The diner finds a mild flavour in dishes made with the meat of this animal - in any of its varieties - beef, kid, kid goat or goat or whatever the way it is cooked - fried, roasted or stewed.
This meat is also ideal for preparing typical Canarian dishes such as puchero canario (Canarian stew) and carne compuesta, and as it has less saturated fat than other red meats, it is perfect for forming part of a balanced diet.