

PR® FV55 Gran Valle - Cofete

We are in the Jandía Natural Park, which is of outstanding geological and biological importance. We will begin our short walk at the foot of Gran Valle, where we will be able to appreciate, among gorse (Launaea arbo-rescens) and hawthorn (Lycium intricatum) to the endemic and exclusive cardón de Jandía (Euphorbia handiensis), declared a plant symbol of the island. We will continue through the interior of the valley towards the Casas de Gran Valle, where we can see an aboriginal settlement whose original structures have been modified due to their reuse over time. We will ascend until we reach the Degollada de Cofete, which will offer us two incredible panoramic views: to the east, Gran Valle, and to the west, the Gulf of Cofete, which currently only conserves its eastern half in the shape of a crescent moon, as the western half disappeared some 14-12 million years ago due to a great gravitational landslide. Once we have passed this cut, we will descend down the windward side, where the sound of the sea will accompany us to the very shore. We leave the Casa de los Winter on our right and continue descending to the houses of the village of Cofete, with its restored lime kiln. Our route ends at the beach of Cofete, of extraordinary natural beauty, where we can see a curious cemetery in the middle of the Jable or sand. This area is of great importance for birdlife. So much so that the path crosses an SPA (Special Protection Area for Birds). In the higher areas, we can spot endemic and endangered species such as the guirre (Neophron percnopterus majorensis). Furthermore, the Jandía Peninsula is one of the best areas on the island for the endemic and exclusive Canary Island stonechat (Saxicola dacotiae), which is distributed from the coast to the highest mountainous areas. As far as mammals are concerned, some specimens of goats can be observed along the route (Capra spp.) in a semi-wild state, which are collected in the traditional "apañadas".

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